It was an extra special day in the Wiebe house yesterday! Levi turned TWO!! He lights up this house...we love him. I bookmarked this recipe a few weeks back thinking it would make a yummy birthday cake for our Levi...gotta love a flavourful fall recipe!! What I REALLY loved about this BIRTHDAY cake was that I knew every single bite contained something that was actually BENEFITING our boys' bodies!! Now that's almost an oxymoron! I appreciate the 'homemade' appeal to this cake...that's kinda what birthday's should be all about:) We gladly gave Levi a 2nd piece!!
I could tell from the beginning steps of making this cake, based on the smell that filled our house, that it was a good one! Will definitely make this cake again. The kids AND adults loved it...especially the 'icing'! Made the recipe pretty much 'as-is'. Although I used fresh pressed apple juice out of our juicer...so I found the icing a but thick to blend so I added a bit of lemon juice and coconut oil. That's it! Garnished with raw almonds and dark chocolate chips...which left this two-year olds birthday cake practically a nutritional supplement! It was awesome...and FILLING! All those nuts in there make the cake go far.
ENJOY!! Would compliment any Thanksgiving dinner wonderfully this weekend!
Here's a few photos of the birthday boy in action:) Love our Levi!

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